Early Years
I had one particular teacher who treated me differently, unfortunately I let her inability to understand dyslexia make me feel bad about it and that is my biggest memory of primary school Even though lots of good things happened as well. I’m sure you have all had an experience like that too Supportive parents I have parents that wanted to see me do well and understood I was intelligent, I just struggled to use conventional tools like reading and writing to communicate. When I was diagnosed as a child it was so my parents could understand and help me learn. My mother was great she tried lots of different things to help me learn. Not all of them worked but there are 2 things that I do know worked.
What to do for work?
I worked for a number of years then and found my passion – Mana Island Then I got to a point I couldn’t progress my career without further education I had a bit of crisis – lived on an island with one other person, wasn’t very healthy…..frustrated by work How I helped myself. I decided I needed to change things in my life if I wanted things to change. The first place I started was with me, I had to change how I thought about me
But what I learnt was something else "What I noticed what that all diagnoses focus on the negative autism, ADHD How they are not ‘normal’ But there are a lot of strengths with all of these" – Temple Grandin I have an awesome brain!
My brain isn’t broken, dumb or doesn’t work. It just works differently Works differently from what? – everyone’s brain works differently We are lucky, our ‘thing’ has a name and people understand how our brains work What I did
I own my dyslexia – it doesn’t own me I think of it now as my super power Like all super powers they take a bit to master, but they are powerful In the workplace When I go for a new job and they ask me is there anything else they should know about me I say yes, I am dyslexia and these are the benefits to you
But my colleague needs help with computer stuff so we all have things we need help with I currently work in a job I would struggle to do without dyslexia, it gives me an advantage. My job involves
Here are a few skills I have picked up along the way
What I now know
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About this pageHere you'll find the notes from the presentations at our Adult Dyslexia Support Group. To learn more about the group, click here. Archives
December 2020